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Exercises that cause eccentric contractions buy clen and anavar of muscles are performed in pairs or on special training devices. This method involves the individual form of training with the use of simulators up to 2-3 times a week. Such strength training is used in individual high-load microcycles of a power orientation of a developing or supporting type.

For the third variant (the method of maximal concentric – eccentric muscle contractions), the fixation of repetitive movements is characteristic for improving muscle coordination. This ensures a rapid clen max increase in power indicators. The magnitude of the burdens when using this method is 70-90% of the maximum values. The essence of the method lies in the rapid implementation of exercises in the overcoming mode after a free (without significant stress) lowering weight. In one training session, 3-5 series are performed with 6-8 repetitions; rest between the series – 5 minutes. The method is used in the preparatory and competitive periods.

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For the fourth option (the method of maximum isometric muscle contractions), it is typical to perform exercises in a static (isometric clen vs fat burner) mode of operation. When training in a static mode, when the task is to develop maximum strength, it is necessary to strive to use the maximum or close to them stresses. In one training session using this method, up to 5 series of 2-3 repetitions of duration from 5-6 to 10-12 seconds should clen max be performed. The break between the series – 3-4 minutes.

The advantages of using this method include: a) the possibility of an intense local effect on individual muscle groups; b) training with the use of isometric exercises takes little time and does not require special equipment for its implementation; c) when using local static stresses, the most accurate kinesthetic sensations of the basic elements of sports equipment are manifested, which allows, along with an increase in strength, to improve its individual parameters.

The disadvantages of this method include the following provisions anavar and clen cycle female: a) this method adversely affects muscle coordination; b) the force gained as a result of applying this method is almost not transferred to the work of a dynamic nature; c) in the case of an isometric mode of muscle work, an increase in strength is observed only in relation to that part of the movement trajectory what is clen that corresponds to the training exercises used.

All the considered variants of methods aimed at increasing the maximum power capabilities in the process of preparing athletes-spear throwers can be applied in a comprehensive or concentrated way at various stages of the annual training cycle.

3. Modern views on the improvement of speed-power abilities of athletes

The maximum power manifested in the movements of speed-power nature is, above all, the result of the strength and speed of muscle contraction that is developed. The higher the power that can be achieved in motion, the greater the speed an athlete can give to his own body when pushing off a support or moving a projectile, which is especially important in the final part of the competitive attempt of the athlete-javelin thrower.

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The interrelations of force and speed developed in model movements were repeatedly studied experimentally clen max (Fig. 1).

It is easy to see that on this curve all movements related to the manifestation of force and speed fit. This includes the movement with the predominant manifestation of speed, when the mass of the displaced projectile tends to zero, and acceleration – to a maximum (B), and force (A), when the gorilla max before and after displaced mass increases to F

The second conclusion is, in essence, a theoretical substantiation of the training of the power capabilities of an athlete in all movements with speed-power orientation. It is known that the highest power and efficiency occur when the speed and power are approximately equal to 1/3 of the maximum values (the rule of average loads).

Muscle strength, measured under the conditions of the dynamic mode of the muscles, is called dynamic strength and, according to the second Newton law (F = ma), is equal to the product of the mass of the moving body by the acceleration given to it. The dynamic force developed in the overcoming mode is always less than the maximum force. When in inferior mode, muscles are able to manifest tension clen fat burner tablets greater than F

A particular manifestation of dynamic force is the explosive force, which is characterized as the ability to develop the maximum force in a minimum period of time. Indicator of explosive force is the gradient of force, as the ratio of the maximum force shown (F) to the time of its achievement.

By developing a greater amount of muscular tension, a more prepared athlete is able to achieve it in a shorter time anavar vs clen for womem (Fig. 2).

Indicators of explosive power depend little on the maximum isometric strength. This indicates a certain difference in the supporting physiological mechanisms.

The physiological features of the explosive effort are: maximum possible synchronization of excitation of various motor units at the optimal frequency of motor neuron discharge, the absence of excessive tension in the antagonist muscles (due to intra- and intermuscular coordination clen), high ATP splitting rate and high-speed contractile properties of the muscle itself. The latter largely depend on the muscle composition, that is, the ratio of fast and slow contractile fibers.

From the position of providing energy for the movement of energy mechanisms, speed-strength exercises are anaerobic. They are characterized by 2 indicators: anaerobic capacity and anaerobic capacity.

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Typical exercises, the performance of which depends on the level of development of the power of anaerobic mechanisms, include sprinting, jumping and throwing. When performing these exercises, the work is provided by the energy of anaerobic consumption of ATP and KrF, therefore, the capacity of the anaerobic mechanism is determined, firstly, by the amount of these substances in the muscles (increased by 20-30% during training clen tren anavar) and, secondly, by their speed decay and resynthesis. The anaerobic (alactate) power indicator is the mechanical power that an athlete can develop per unit of time. It is determined, for example, in the Margaria test, which is a run-in on a ladder with a maximum speed. Indicators of anaerobic alactate capacity in men from 15 to 30 years range from 105-113 kgm / s (rating “bad”) to 210-225 kgm / s (rating “excellent”), in women, respectively: 85-92 kgm / s and 170-182 kgm / s. Indicators of anaerobic alactate capacity characterize the entire amount of energy that can be transferred to the muscle when performing speed-strength work, a reflection of which is the amount of alactate fraction of oxygen debt.

The technique of general and special speed-strength training should take testosterone max steroid into account 2 main points:

1. Improvement of intramuscular coordination with the growth of an athlete’s qualifications occurs only when he overcomes resistances clen equal to competitive and more, with intensity near the limit and higher.

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2. Improvement of intermuscular coordination will occur only when resistance is overcome, equal to or less than the competitive one, with intensity and above limiting intensity, while the specific amplitude of movement is preserved.

Ensuring the growth of performance in acyclic speed-power competitive disciplines requires a constant desire to improve the speed-strength readiness of an athlete max cialis dose and to effectively implement it in the skill of technical actions.

The basis for increasing the level of speed-power readiness lies in raising the level of the so-called explosive force, which manifests itself when overcoming resistances that do not reach the limiting values, with maximum acceleration.

According to the existing definition, explosive force is the ability to exert the maximum possible force in the shortest time while overcoming competitive resistances in the conditions of preserving the side effects of clen and anavar for female specific structure of movements.

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In the process of speed-strength training, a set of basic methods is used:

1. The method of maximum short-term efforts.

2. The method of conjugate effects.

3. Variable exposure method.

When using the method of maximum short-term efforts, the amount of resistance to be overcome should not differ by more than 10% from the competitive one. In these conditions, intermuscular coordination is the most improved, which in the conditions of performing a highly coordinated competitive exercise contributes to the development of not maximal, but optimal muscular tension. Maximum stress should be achieved only in muscle groups in the implementation of the final effort.

Means of speed-strength training must meet the following requirements:

– exercises are performed at the maximum working amplitude;

– the speed of the exercises should be equal to or higher than the competitive;

– exercise should be accompanied by maximum or close to them muscular tension.

To increase the level of speed-strength readiness it is necessary to apply:

1) regional and local exercises with resistance, focusing on the combination of inferior and overcoming muscle work (the resistance in overcoming work is 4-7 PM, where PM is a repeated maximum, indicating a burden that clen pen can be overcome no more than a specified number of times without the inclusion of additional rest);

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